DMTN-149: Alert Stream Simulator for Community Broker Development

  • Spencer Nelson

Latest Revision: 2020-04-06

1   Abstract


This technote is not yet published.

This document describes a program which simulates Rubin’s Alert Distribution System [4]. This simulator would be useful for development of community brokers: it would provide a realistic target for the throughput and data formats they would be expected to handle. In addition, it may be a useful tool for testing changes to the configuration of Rubin’s alert brokers in the future.

2   High-level goals

A simulator will help groups who are developing community brokers which receive Rubin’s alert stream. It will provide a realistic benchmark for the load they should expect to receive, and will act as a harness for them to run tests.

The simulator should:

  • Provide a realistic stream of alerts, both in terms of volume and in content.
  • Be simple to install on realistic broker hardware
  • Be well-documented
  • Provide tools to make it clear whether a consumer is keeping up with the stream volume

3   Implementation

The simulator will be provided as a set of Docker containers and a docker-compose file for coordinating those containers. To run the simulator, the user spins up the docker containers, and then runs a command which starts the flow of data. The data comes from a directory with serialized alert data on disk, and can be paced into the containerized Kafka broker to match the expected rate for Rubin. The details of the pacing and the strategy are configurable, with defaults provided that match our current expectations for Rubin’s alert volume.

Alert data will be serialized using the latest Avro alert event schema. The Avro schema specification used will be provided along with the containers.

3.1   Docker

These containers will be provided:

  • A Kafka container, which runs the broker
  • A Zookeeper container, which the broker connects to for backend state management
  • A monitoring container, which provides a web-based UI verify that the stream is being fully handled
  • An injector container, which hosts a command that sends data to the broker
  • A demonstrative consumer container, which receives alerts and merely prints the number it has consumed; users could potentially modify this for their own code

The Kafka broker and monitoring containers will be addressable from the host running the containers so that the user can consume the stream and check metrics easily.

3.2   Injector and Data Rates

The injector sends data to the broker.

The data injection mechanism will be configurable, running in either “single-pass” or “infinite” mode. In single-pass mode, it loads data from a directory on disk and then terminates, obeying the data’s timestamps for pacing. In infinite mode, it repeats the data on disk indefinitely, with timestamps and ID numbers adjusted, so that long-term behavior can be observed.

In infinite mode, the simulator will (by default) attempt to send data at a realistic rate, disregarding the timestamps of the events on disk. The user can provide configuration to instead obey the timestamps, repeating them with an offset.

By default, the “realistic rate” will be to send approximately 10,000 events every 37 seconds. The events will be sent over a 3 second period, emitted in 189 bursts, grouped by ccdVisitId. Each burst will have a random number of events between 10 and 200 (centered at 50). This emulates a plausible data rate for Rubin’s 189 data-producing CCDs.

This rate will be configurable. The transmission period, number of bursts, and number of events per burst can all be set by the user, letting them explore different scenarios.

3.3   Documentation

Documentation will be provided in the repository as ReStructured text documents. Specifically, documentation will be provided for running the fleet of containers, injecting data, and monitoring the flow of data.

4   Known Limitations

The simulator will have to be an approximation of the production stream. Several details of the implementation remain uncertain, and our estimates of the size of the data stream might not be accurate. This section lists the known limitations of the simulation. Of course, there may be more discrepancies between the simulation and the eventual stream at launch; this is just what we are aware of now.

4.1   Authentication

The production broker will require community brokers to authenticate to receive the stream of data. We don’t yet know exactly how that will work. Some of the options like TLS-encrypting the TCP flow might cause the production stream to be more costly to process than the simulation.

4.2   Compression

We may want to compress the stream of alerts. This could be done using gzip, snappy, lz4, or some other algorithm. Compression would be a tradeoff; it would impose additional CPU load on consumers of the stream, but lower the network bandwidth requirements. It could have a complicated effect on memory pressure which is hard to predict.

Making compression an optional feature of the simulation could help us receive feedback from community broker developers on the effects it has in practice.

4.3   Alert Format

The Data Products Definition Document [3] sets some requirements on the contents of alert packets, but the precise Avro schema we will use is still in development. This could have an impact on the size of alert packets, affecting the stream volume.

In addition, we have not committed on a particular mechanism for distributing the alert format and making changes to it. One option is the Confluent Schema Registry [1]; choosing this option may have implications on the deserialization performance of consumers.

4.4   Alert Contents

Some community brokers plan to modify or filter the alert stream. We don’t yet have large quantities of scientifically meaningful alerts, though. This means that any filters may not be receiving a realistic workload.

4.5   Broker Configuration Details

Kafka comes with a large number of tuning and configuration details. It runs on the JVM, which has yet more tuning knobs. These could have a dramatic impact on the performance characteristics of the broker in production. For example, garbage collection pauses could impact tail latency in response to queries from consumers, which can have a dramatic effect on the service’s overall performance [2]; the production GC tunings may have a dramatic impact, but we won’t be providing a fully-tuned broker at this time.

4.6   Broker Hardware

In production, the Rubin alert brokers will run on Rubin’s hardware. We can’t provide that hardware to community broker developers. They will need to run the simulator on hardware which is capable of producing the full stream without running into bottlenecks. For example, if the simulator is run on an underpowered laptop, it might not produce the stream at the full volume due to a CPU bottleneck.

DMTN-028 [5] investigated hardware requirements for brokers and estimated that each broker requires about 40-80GB of memory and at least 24 cores for compute. We could provide tools to let the user know if their broker configuration is not able to handle the full stream, and/or provide tools to deploy the set of containers to a cloud provider.

4.7   Network

In production, the Rubin alert brokers will deliver the alert stream over the internet. This could result in dramatically different behavior. Packet loss and retransmits can cause head-of-line blocking which may result in stampedes of alerts, causing much higher observed data rates at the consumer end than at the producer end of the stream. Networks are complex and have many failure modes that will not be simulated with this tool.

[1]Confluent Schema Registry. URL:
[2]Jeffrey Dean and Luiz André Barroso. The tail at scale. Communications of the ACM, 56:74–80, 2013. URL:
[3][LSE-163]. Mario Jurić and others. LSST Data Products Definition Document. 2017. URL,
[4][DMTN-093]. Maria Patterson, Eric Bellm, and John Swinbank. Design of the LSST Alert Distribution System. 2018. LSST Data Management Technical Note. URL:
[5][DMTN-028]. Maria T. Patterson. Benchmarking a distribution system for LSST alerts. 2018. LSST Data Management Technical Note. URL: